Giving Back

Fundraising for BB Kyar

Fundraising for BB Kyar

To all our customers and Instagram community who supported our campaign to fundraise for BB Kyar, thank you. Your generosity and kindness have helped to raise S$800 to cover Kyar's medical bills. We...

Fundraising for BB Kyar

To all our customers and Instagram community who supported our campaign to fundraise for BB Kyar, thank you. Your generosity and kindness have helped to raise S$800 to cover Kyar's medical bills. We...

Good Cause Gifting

Good Cause Gifting

We would like to thank our customers for supporting our week-long Good Cause Gifting campaign that raised S$201.70 to Project Luni. This is the first of our giving back initiatives and we...

Good Cause Gifting

We would like to thank our customers for supporting our week-long Good Cause Gifting campaign that raised S$201.70 to Project Luni. This is the first of our giving back initiatives and we...